9 Station Indoor Group Training Circuit [TRAINERS]
So if you have a huge group coming out to your classes and you want to really work them and push their limits all at the same time you have to be smooth. haha.. I mean if you have 40-60 people in a gym and your not prepared with how your going to move all these people, they will pick up on it. They will feel that your struggling and scrambling and once the vibe is out its hard to get it back. You really want it to flow and this will keep the energy going and your clients wont get bored.
It is very important to have very little dead time and the transitions in between sets must be quick. If it doesnt keep moving you will lose your clients attention and the adrenaline will fall short. People will feel like they are wasting their time and money while they are waiting for you to do your next move. Ok look at it like this; It’s almost like you are putting on an event… and you have a large number of people showing up paying for you to kick their butts. They want to sweat… they want to feel results and learn new things along the way. You have to keep it fresh for them and don’t let anyone go home without a fight! Don’t hide behind your clipboard or timer… get in their face and down on the ground, whatever it takes to push that person.
Check out the vid, I have some tips for you and this circuit is very efficient, runs super smoothly and all my clients love it. Of course you have to change up the drills each week, get creative with the equipment you have and the order you put them in.